
My Cat Doesn’t Drink Water

What Can I Do?

Drinking water is necessary for a living thing’s body to function properly. In cats it is especially indispensable, since a low intake of this liquid can cause kidney problems in the future.

Cats require less water than other animal species do on a daily basis. This characteristic was passed down to them from their ancestors, the desert cats, who could go for extended stretches without drinking water. But these cats got nearly all the water they required for survival from their prey. All of their water requirements were met by the meat, which was 70% water. What therefore, should you do if your cat refuses to drink water?

Nowadays, since most domestic cats don’t venture outside their homes, it is uncommon for them to hunt rodents, birds, or small lizards. In order to prevent the onset of disorders linked to dehydration in these little felines, a steady source of hydration is required.

What might occur if my cat doesn’t consume water?

A cat that only consumes concentrate or dry food has to drink between 220 and 250 ml per day, but a cat that only consumes wet food needs to drink between 30 and 50 ml daily. Although these animals may go more than 24 hours without drinking, cats should constantly have access to water because concentrated food only contains a small amount of this liquid.

Lethargy, depression, appetite loss, and a decrease in skin elasticity are all telltale indications of dehydration, and your pet may experience major issues as a result if they go longer than necessary without drinking water. Similar to kidney illness, cystitis, kidney failure, urethral blockages, and other conditions, urinary tract diseases like these can also manifest.

Why isn’t my cat interested in drinking water?

A cat may refuse to drink water from its bowl for a variety of reasons. However, you can usually fix these issues so that your pet doesn’t become dehydrated. A cat may not desire to drink for a variety of reasons, chief among them being:

Plastic containers: In general, water in drinking bowls made of this material has a flavour that cats typically don’t like. They choose those that are constructed of glass or metal.

Water that is unclean or not fresh: Cats are finicky eaters, and this extends to the water they drink. These tiny cats tend to reject water that has been lingering in the bowl for a few days because they prefer cleaner, clearer, and fresher water.

The location of the water bowl is crucial for the cat when it comes to drinking water, despite what you would think. These animals will typically request that you set their container down in a peaceful area where they can feel secure and sip water. They shouldn’t have to share it with other animals in the house and it should be their own drinking fountain.
Food: Your cat’s hydration requirements might be met if it typically hunts prey or if you feed it moist food. It won’t be hunting for water in its bowl or elsewhere as a result of this.

Diseases: If you observe that your cat isn’t drinking water normally or showing any interest in food, it may be suffering from one or more diseases. Sometimes specific illnesses or ailments, such as oral issues or systemic illnesses like internal organ disease, would prevent a cat from drinking water. In these situations, we advise scheduling a checkup with your veterinarian.

How can I fix the problem?

Given the significance of water consumption for your cat, if it doesn’t seem to be drinking much, you shouldn’t ignore it. There are various actions we may do to encourage our cat to drink more water. Several tactics consist of the following:

Pick a metal-preferably bowl or container. It ought to be broad, shallow, and in a peaceful place.
To keep the water in the drinking bowl clean and fresh, change it once or twice daily.
Place a number of containers throughout your house. Studies indicate that this tactic can improve your cat’s water intake by up to 11%.
Use water fountains and bowls with cat-specific designs. Drinking fountains are said to encourage increased water intake since the water is maintained fresh and constantly moving, which attracts cats.
Consider combining their dry food with a can or sachet of wet food, or combining their concentrated food with a little water.

Offer bottled, boiled, and tap water among other options. A similar study, “Effects of a nutrient-enriched water or water intake and indices of hydration in healthy domestic cats fed a dry kibble diet,” found that this nutrient-rich liquid can boost consumption and hydration levels in animals.

Finally, keep in mind how crucial it is to keep your cat hydrated at all times. Any of the aforementioned methods can be used to boost your pet’s water intake. If none of these solutions have helped you, you should consult a veterinarian to find out why your pet isn’t drinking enough water.

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